Opus IV, Hypogram III.

               Hypogram III

                A. Why are you so angry-looking, Mr Finance?
                B. Because they do not understand me.
                They think the word economic crisis is
                My fault, but unleashed capital creates wealth
5              For many people, and this crisis has defamed me.
                A. Do you mean that you donʼt take responsibilites
                For your own economic policies, Mr Finance?
                B. I am a good-intentioned economist. Everything
                Was to be unregulated but then the State is always
10            Preventing the wealth of the whole society. No!
                A. What are you going to do now that everything
                Is quenched in blood and poverty and suffering?
                B. I am going to write a book. And lobby for another
                Chance to take power. No regulations this time! None!
15            A. Goodbye, my friend. Try to sleep and and do not
                Be too hard on reality when it does not fit your theories.
