Opus IV, Anagram XXXV.


                         Dogs, they tell us, are loving and unselfish beings.
                         They are pure love, evidence of pure unselfisheness.
                         One should remember that our domestic dogs are
                         The result of a long process of artificial selection.
5                       Dogs that were aggressive, violent, dangerous were
                         Not selected to breed, and step by step, we have
                         Been having dogs that were submissive, foolish,
                         All-loving, good boys, all-caring and angel dogs.
                         It is not surprising: if the dog is aggressive he was
10                     Killed or deprived of breeding and reproduction.
                         We allowed to be with us dogs that were peaceful
                         And unable to show their dominance and violence.
                         Byron said that his dog was better than all men he
                         Had seen in his life. That is no surprise: we have
15                     Selected that kind of dogs, which have nothing to
                         Resemble their origin, the wild wolf. People talk
                         About the dog which is sleeping at his masterʼs
                         Grave, as an illustration of pure unselfishness.
                         These people forget that the animal does not know
20                    Anything else: he has been selected to be a slave.
                         We selected this kind of dogs, we shaped their
                         Mentality, as well as their appearance. That is what
                         Artificial selection is all about. They serve us, or die.
