Sex & Fun in The Faerie Queene.

This new work can be purchased in Amazon HERE. These are the words I chose as a synopsis:

The Faerie Queene is full of comical and sexy things that have been ignored by academia, as it does not fit the idea of a Puritan author dealing with Christian themes in an elevated style, but the epic poem is not written in a high elevated style, but a middle one, and contains many comical, sexy, and burlesque episodes that should be preserved and analyzed. This is what Sex & Fun in The Faerie Queen does, from a PT II Oxfordian perspective as to who was Shakespeare (one of the pseudonyms of Edward de Vere), and from DINS theory as to who were Spenser, Nashe, and Marlowe (pseudonyms of John Donne). This work continues the path opened by Ver, begin (2015).

On and on till the final Dragon...
