Opus IV, Epigram CXX.

            Epigram CXX

             Marx saw capitalist society divided into
             Capitalists and proletarians. In 1848 he
             Thought the revolution needed the middle
             Class as a first step into his Communism.
5           The fires of the Communist Manifesto dried up.
             He blamed himself on that strategy: he should
             Have been more radical, he should have not
             Supported the middle class. What would have
             Marx said when in the 1920s and 1930s the Communists
10         Left the middle class and the Social Democrats
             Alone with the Fascists of Adolf Hitler? Communists
             Thought Fascism was not the enemy (it was brutal,
             It was not a class, it was bound to pass) and so they
             Preferred their greater enemy, the capitalist society,
15         Social democracy, the middle class, to go to hell and die.
             When Fascists destroyed democracy, Communists
             Saw the outcome of their dialectics: Communism in Auschwitz.
             What would have Marx said? What he said once: ʻI am not a Marxist.ʼ 
