Opus IV, Hypogram XLIII.

                Hypogram XLIII


              A son and a daughter mourned their deceased mother.
               The former looked calmed, collected, the latter was
               Crying her heart out, and she was inconsolable.
               A friend came, talked with them and departed.
5             After a while, at home, he was surprised to recollect
               What he has seen, and what they have told him.
               The sister was a convinced Christian and asked why
               She looked so inconsolable, could not reply until she
               Said: ʻMy mother is in Heaven.ʼ When the friend
10           Remembered what the brother had said, he smiled.
               The brother had replied: ʻMy mother is suffering no more.ʼ
               Then he understood why the son was calmed and the
               Daughter in tears, and why the son was true to his
               Philosophy while the daughter was not to her religion.
15           ʻTurning Heaven into another world,ʼ he wrote, ʻprolongs
               The anxiety, fears, and hopes inherent to life.ʼ
