Opus IV, Telegram V.

Telegram V

                          Christians do not have a monotheist religion.
                          For otherwise their Yahweh would be responsible
                          Both for the good and evil in our material world.
                          Christians knew that if God were alone he would
5                        Be responsible for evil as the ultimate source of
                          The world. And at the least, the ultimate Boss is
                          Responsible for what his subalterns do in his
                          Name, what is called in Law culpa in eligendo.
                          No, Christians (see Paulʼs letters) thought this
10                      World was controlled by Satan, this sublunary
                          Dimension was Satanʼs dominion. In this way, we
                          Can see that Christians (heterodox Hellenistic Jews
                          And Gentiles who had embraced the doctrine of
                          The Pentateuch as the truth) believed that God
15                      Reigned in the seventh Heaven, alone, aloof, alone,
                          Perfect in his own self-perfection (as Aristotle
                          Thought), but that in here, in the world, everything
                          Evil was the product of Satan and his demons.
                          Consequently, Christians believed in two Gods:
20                     One, far away and alone, had shed one emanation
                          Called the Son, the Christ, Joshua, Jesus, to
                          Save humanity from that other god, Satan, the god
                          Of Evil. Christians believed in two Gods: the God
                          that is Good, and the God that is Evil. Christians
25                     Adopted the old ideas of Zoroastrianism. Of course,
                          To justify Zoroastrianism-Christianityʼs ideas,
                          Christian philosophers had nothing to turn to.
                          Where to go? To Plato, to Greece, to Aristotle, to
                          Stoicism. Quevedo could believe in Christianity
30                     But he could only philosophise Stoically. From Rome
                          To our own time, we can see how ideas evolve and
                          Change to adapt to their environment. St Agustine
                          Was Plato adapted, and St Thomas Aquinas Aristotle
                          Adapted. That era, the era of Zoroastrianism-Christianity
35                     Came to a close with the Enlightenment. Reason and
                          Science were now the only pillars of society, and the
                          Greatest rebellion consisted in one thing and one thing
                          Only: the right to attain happiness in this world.
                          Atoms and void: Epicureanismʼs revenge served cold.

