Opus IV, Telegram X.


                       Johannes Aalstius, tells us Jonathan Israel,
                       ʻHeld in his general introduction to Christian
                       Ethics, published at Dordrecht in 1705, that
                       The new radicalism, and especially Spinozism,
5                     Overturns the entire structure of divinely ordained
                       Morality. Were such influences to gain wide
                       Acceptance, he predicted, mankind would in
                       The future concern itself only with individual
                       Happiness in this life. To many it appeared a
10                   Frightful prospect.ʼ We are the heirs of the
                       Radical Enlightenment, and we should never
                       Forget who the enemies of the Open Society are.
                       For they are returning under new disguises and
                       Lies, bringing the authority of a God as their Truth
15                   To suffering, despotism, and happiness in another
                       World, not in this life where we live and flourish.
